Responding to Evaluation Narratives in ESTHER

Instructors who would like to respond to themes present in the evaluation narratives have the option of posting a one-time instructor response into the system. The ESTHER interface has been programmed to recognize the instructor of a course based on their login information.

For example, Professor Miles Davis taught BLUE 211, INTRO TO THE COLOR BLUE. His evaluation responses presented a central theme: his music did not have any vocals. Professor Davis would like the opportunity to explain why his music had no vocals.

To submit a response to evaluation narratives, please do the following:

  1. While viewing narratives for your course in ESTHER, click "Respond to Comments."

    For more information on viewing evaluation graphs and narratives in ESTHER, see the Viewing Evaluations Graphs in ESTHER page.

  2. Input response in the free-text box.

  3. Click Submit Comment.

Your response will display above the student narratives for that specific course and will be viewable to anyone viewing these evaluations in ESTHER.