Searching for a Cohort of Students

It is sometimes helpful for an advisor or Official Certifier to search for a group of students’ degree audit worksheets at one time, rather than looking up students individually, such as during the degree certification process or when meeting with students to advise. Begin by logging on to Degree Works.

  1. Navigate to the "Find" screen by clicking the magnifying glass in the upper left corner.
  2. Once on the “Find” screen, select the desired criteria from the Find screen drop down menus to find declared students in the academic program. Suggested search criteria are:
    Find screen drop down menu
    • Level (Undergraduate, Undergraduate Professional, Graduate or Graduate Quadmester)
    • Degree and Major combination, or Minor, or Certificate
      (Notes: “major” is used to refer to fields of study in graduate degree programs; when searching for a minor or certificate, do not select or enter anything in the Degree or Major fields)
    • Graduation Term
    • Other criteria, as desired (such as Matriculation Term, Graduation Status, or Program Code) (Note: Program Code is used for a select group of graduate-level programs that distinguish a cohort (such as on-campus versus online) within a degree program by code (including the MA, MS, MARCH, MAT, MBA, MBE, and MCS degrees).)

  3. Click “Search” on the left after selecting the desired student criteria.
    (Note: "Search", not "OK")
  4. Click “OK” at the bottom left after the list of students populates. You will then be taken back to the degree audit worksheet page of the first student in the list of the found group.
  5. After finding a group of students in the Find screen, you may toggle between the search results and view different students’ Degree Works audit worksheets by using the arrows above the student name or by scrolling down and highlighting a different student name from the drop down menu in the top left corner.

Once you have refined your search results, follow the instructions on the Navigating the Degree Works Audit Worksheet page, How to Submit a Petition page, or Approving or Not Approving Graduation page.

Note: A student must have officially declared the major, minor, certificate (or be a current student in the graduate-level academic program) in order to populate on the search results for the faculty member. If a student has not yet declared the major (or minor or certificate) for the academic program, they may present a Degree Works What If audit to the faculty member or share their existing Degree Works audit to the faculty member.