Final exam information has been posted. This also includes final exam room assignments.
There are three locations where you may view the final exam information for your classes:
Course Roster in ESTHER: This will contain the final exam meeting date/time and location. This is the most efficient way to find your final exam meeting date/time and location.
Banner Course Search: This will contain the final exam meeting date/time and location.
Course Schedule: This will contain the final exam meeting date/time only; it does not include the meeting location.
All undergraduate courses with enrollment have been assigned final exam times, even if we have been notified that there is no final exam for the course. This is due to the requirement in the General Announcements that the Office of the Registrar assign final exam times to all undergraduate level courses.
If the assigned room is unsuitable for your planned final exam, if you need a room but did not originally indicate you needed one, or if your final exam plans have changed, please let us know by replying to this email.