Buildings and Classrooms

Building Codes and Descriptions

Building Code Building Description
ABL M D Anderson Biological Lab
ACC Anderson-Clarke Center
ALN Allen Center
ANH M D Anderson Hall
APB Alice Pratt Brown Hall
BHO Brockman Hall for Opera
BKC Baker College
BKH James Baker Hall
BNC Margaret Root Brown College
BPV Brochstein Pavilion
BRC BioScience Research Collab
BRK Brockman Hall for Physics
COB Cambridge Office Building
COH Cohen House
DBH Dell Butcher Hall
DCC Duncan College
DCH Anne and Charles Duncan Hall
FEP Facilities Engr Planning Bldg
FON Fondren Library
GBB Greenbriar Building
GHS Greenhouse
GRB George R Brown Hall
GRW Gibbs Rec and Wellness Center
HAM Hamman Hall
HBH Herman Brown Hall for Math Sci
HFD Holloway Field and Ley Track
HNZ Harry C Hanszen College
HRG Robert R Herring Hall
HRZ Herzstein Hall
HUF Huff House
HUM Humanities Building
JOC Jones College
KCK Howard Keck Hall
KRF Kraft Hall for Social Sciences
KWG Keith-Wiess Geological Lab
LEY Ley Student Center
LVC Lovett College
LVH Lovett Hall
MCM McMurtry College
MCA Moody Center for the Arts
MCN Janice and Robert McNair Hall
MEB Mechanical Engineering Bldg
MLC Martel College
MUD S G Mudd Computer Science Lab
MXF Maxfield Hall
NSV North Servery
OED Oshman Engineer Design Kitchen
OES O'Connor Building for Engineering and Science
PCF Provisional Campus Facility
POL Police Department
RCC Rice Children's Campus
RCK Reckling Park at Cameron Field
RGA Rice Graduate Apartments
RHW Rice Health and Wellness Cntr
RMC Rice Memorial Center
RVA Rice Village Apartments
RYN Ryon Engineering Laboratory
RZR Rayzor Hall
SEW Sewall Hall
SPL South Plant
SRC Sid Richardson College
SST Space Science and Tech Bldg
SSV South Servery
STA Rice Stadium
TBA To Be Announced (Department Scheduled Room)
TBD To Be Determined (OTR Scheduled Room)
TUD Tudor Fieldhouse
WPH Wiess President's House
WRC Will Rice College
WSC Harry C Wiess College
WSV West Servery