Classroom FAQs

Is food allowed in the classroom?

No, refreshments, snacks, or meals are not to be served or consumed in Rice classrooms. Short of deliberate vandalism, nothing destroys classroom quality faster than the crumbs and stains left behind by people consuming food and beverages, even if they are careful and do not intend to leave messes. If food is an integral component of your event, then we suggest that you pursue the use of food-appropriate spaces, such as rooms at the RMC/Ley Student Center or private dining rooms in the residential colleges.

Are there specific times when classes meet?

Yes, there are standard class times. Please see Standard Time Blocks.

How do I request a room not scheduled by the OTR?

Please discuss your request with the primary department which resides in the building in question. You also might refer to

I have a lot of material to cover. Can I keep my 9:25-10:40 class in the room until 10:50?

No, you may not. Because it is imperative that classes begin on time, it is additionally imperative that classes end on time. The 10-minute interval between classes is a shared time; it is not "owned" by the earlier or the later class. This interval is necessary for both students and instructors to vacate one room and get situated in another room (very likely in another building). Abusing this shared interval causes schedule disruptions to both students and faculty alike.

May I move chairs from one room to another?

No. Please do not do so in that each room is assigned a defined number of chairs.

May I request to use a classroom on a holiday?

On most university holidays, the campus is officially closed, and academic buildings and classrooms will be locked and are not available for use.

May I use a computer lab when there is no one scheduled to be there?


There is someone else in the room I have been assigned. What do I do?

Occasionally, groups use classrooms because they believe that the rooms are not going to be used by someone else. Please discuss the issue with the other group and show them your classroom confirmation e-mail. If you can not resolve the matter quickly and cordially, please contact the OTR at (713)-348-4999.

Where do I get more chairs?

Unfortunately there are no extra chairs available to be added to your classroom, even temporarily. We use the data provided in the classroom request to place every meeting in an appropriate room. If you find that you will need more chairs, please request to be relocated to a different room.

Where do I get more chalk?

F&CP custodians monitor this. If you find the supply of chalk to be low, please contact the Facilities Service Center (

Where do I get more whiteboard markers?

F&CP custodians monitor this. If you find an issue with the whiteboard markers (such as no markers, or markers which no longer write adequately), please contact the Facilities Service Center (

Will the building and room be unlocked?

The Rice Police Department and the F&CP Custodians plan the door lock/unlock schedule based on the classroom assignments made by the OTR. If you find a door locked, and you can not find an alternate unlocked entry, call RUPD at (713)-348-6000. You should retain a copy of your classroom confirmation e-mail in order to verify that you should have access to the locked building/room.