Spring Semester 2023 Course Scheduling Information

This Office of the Registrar webpage addresses specific topics and areas of change in preparation for Spring Semester 2023.

Table of Contents

Overview of Messaging

President and Provost Messages Regarding Spring Semester 2023

No messaging has been sent.

Office of the Registrar Messages to Department Schedulers Regarding Spring 2023

The Office of the Registrar (OTR) has sent the following emails to departmental schedulers about the Spring 2023:

Course Scheduling Timeline

The course schedule quick tips/scheduling timeframe specific to Spring 2023 can be found here.

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar can be accessed on the Spring Semester 2023 academic calendar page.

FAQs about the Academic Calendar

Are there any changes to the Spring 2023 academic calendar?

No, there are no changes to the Spring Semester 2023 as of 8/9/2022.

Are there any changes to in-person or online delivery due to COVID?

No changes to online or in-person delivery have been announced as of 8/9/2022.

Course Schedule

The OTR is preparing for a "normal" semester. Because of that, many of the scheduling rules and policies that were suspended in previous semesters (e.g., Spring 2021 and Fall 2021) have been put back into place. The bullet points below highlight some key items.

  • The standard time blocks for Spring 2023 will be the university's normal/original standard time blocks found here.
  • Non-standard meeting time requests will require a curricular rationale for the selected time; otherwise, the time will be removed and return to the department blank after the initial review if the requested time significantly alters classroom availability or impacts student scheduling.
  • Courses will need approval to be offered online through the original process: a course must be approved in CourseLeaf CIM and have been approved for online instruction before it can be placed on the schedule as online.
  • The 2/3 Prime Time Rule for course scheduling will be enforced.

What Departments and Schools Need to Do

  • Review scheduling emails and deadlines (listed above and in emails to department schedulers) and submit appropriate changes by the deadlines.

Course Syllabi

In January 2012, Rice's Faculty Senate approved a student-initiated motion regarding syllabus standards and the required distributing of course syllabus information. Syllabi are normally required to be uploaded by the first day of classes. Uploading a syllabus will enable students to successfully "shop" for courses during the ADD/DROP period. All students, even those not registered for the course, are able to view a syllabus that has been posted/archived within ESTHER.

Additional information regarding course syllabi can be found on the Course Syllabus page.

FAQs about the Course Schedule

How did you determine the initial slate of courses listed for departments to edit?

The courses listed for departments in the first round of scheduling came from Spring 2022. Departments should edit this list to indicate the Spring 2023 offerings.

Classroom Assignments

The OTR will begin assigning classrooms for Fall 2022 using enrollment data for Fall 2022 as well as predicted enrollment based on previous semesters. The goal is to have all classrooms assigned and posted by late July.

It is extremely important that departments and schools review the course schedule information to determine for each course whether an OTR-Scheduled or Department-Scheduled Room is needed. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in the OTR being unable to find a suitable classroom for the course.

FAQs about Classroom Assignments

When will room assignments be released?

The process of assigning classrooms is a long and tedious process. The OTR uses an electronic system "optimizer" tool but then manually reviews and adjusts based on other known variables. Our goal is to release classroom assignments in around late July, approximately a month before the first day of classes.

What if the classroom I am assigned will not work for me or my class?

The supply of classrooms is limited. If your assigned classroom poses a significant problem, please email registrar@rice.edu and explain the issue and what you think can be done to rectify it. We will make every attempt to satisfy your need, but please keep in mind that it is possible that the assigned room may be the best or only option available.

If a course is being held online only, will an instructor teaching online be assigned a room?

Generally, no, a room will not be assigned. Should a room be needed for the instructor to give the presentation, use classroom technology, utilize a whiteboard, please email registrar@rice.edu, and we will find an appropriate room for what is needed from the available spaces.