Update Personal Information
Alumni can use the following forms to update their personal information, including: address, name change, and whether or not your directory information is displayed on Rice's website.
- Change of Address - for alumni who pre-date the ESTHER system
- Change Name or Social Security Number
- Release/Withhold Directory Information
- Secure Submission of Document to OTR
Change of Address
Students with an ESTHER account should update their address, telephone, etc. through their ESTHER account. Detailed instructions can be viewed on the Updating Personal Information page of our website. If you need your ESTHER PIN reset, please email: registrar@rice.edu.
Students who pre-date the ESTHER system, should use the Request to Update Address and Phone Number form and upload the form with appropriate documentation here.
Change Name or Social Security Number
Alumni who wish to update their legal name and/or social security number should use the Biographical and Demographical Update form.
Release/Withhold Directory Information
Alumni who wish to make a change regarding whether or not their directory information is displayed on our website should use the Release/Withhold Directory Information form.
Secure Submission of Document to OTR
The upload mechanism used below has been approved by Rice IT Security for the transfer of confidential and sensitive information in accordance with Rice Policy 808 - Protection of Personally Identifiable Information. You may submit biographical information to OTR using the upload mechanism below.