ESTHER Student Wait-Listing FAQs

How do ESTHER wait-lists work?

ESTHER Wait-lists allow students to add themselves on a first come-first served basis to a wait-list for a closed course. As seats become available, ESTHER systematically initiates a wait-list notification email which allots the student at the top of the list a specific time frame to add the previously closed course.

If the student receiving the wait-list notification does not add the course, then a notification is sent to the next person in line and so on.

How do I know if a course has an ESTHER wait-list?

There are two ways to know if a course has an ESTHER Wait-list.

  1. In the Course Schedule, courses with an ESTHER Wait-list will display the number of students currently on the wait-list.
  2. In ESTHER, when you attempt to add a course that is full you will be prompted with a Registration Error Message. If a wait-list is available for the full course, there will be a detailed explanation describing the status of the wait-list and the action you can elect to take.
When does ESTHER wait-listing begin and end?

ESTHER wait-listing begins the same day and time as the Add/Drop registration begins. On the Monday morning of the second week of classes, any ESTHER wait-lists will be purged. Once this has been done, students will be able to add classes without a wait-list on a space available basis or will need to obtain the permission of instructor, via a Special Registration Form (Undergraduate or Graduate), to add a closed class.

All courses with COLL and LPAP subject codes will maintain wait-lists until the Week 2 ADD deadline. FWIS courses are not being ESTHER wait-listed.

Will I be able to see where I am on the ESTHER wait-list?

Once you have ESTHER wait-listed a course, you can see where you are on the wait-list by logging into ESTHER and clicking on:

  • Student Services & Account Information > Registration > Student Detail Schedule
  • Select the appropriate term and click Submit.
How will I be notified if a space comes open for me?

As soon as a position in the course becomes available, you will receive a notification email, telling you which course has opened up and how long you have to register for the course. Note that these openings occur as other students drop the course, so you could be notified any time of the day or night, even on the weekends. Check your email often to ensure you don't miss your notification.

How long do I have to take the space once I am notified?

When ESTHER Wait-lists first become available, you will have 24 hours from the time of notification to login to ESTHER and register for the course. This 24 hour period continues until the First Day of Class. Beginning on the First Day of Class the wait-list window drops down to 12 hours. This 12 hour window continues through the ADD deadline. The specific day and time deadline to register for the course will be stated in your notification email.

Please Note: If the deadline stated in your notification occurs after the ADD deadline, the ADD deadline takes precedence over the deadline stated in your notification.

For example, if you receive a notification at 10:00 a.m. on the ADD deadline day, that notification will state that you have until 9:59 a.m. on Saturday to register for your course; however, you must still complete your registration by the midnight ADD deadline on Friday.

What happens if I don't take action within the allotted time listed on my notification email? Can you add me to the course?

If you fail to add the course within your allotted time, your spot is offered to the next student on the ESTHER wait-list. It is possible to wait-list the course again, but note that you will be added to the bottom of the list. This is why students are reminded that, if you are on a wait-list, it is more important than ever to regularly check your email.

Please Note: The Office of the Registrar cannot administratively add students to courses.

I know a course I want has an ESTHER wait-list, but I can't get on it. Why not?

ESTHER wait-lists have capacity limits; if the wait-list is full, then you can't get on it until there is an opening. Please contact the Office of the Registrar immediately about the possibility of increasing the number of students allowed on the wait-list.

I received permission from the instructor to take a course for which I do not have the pre-requisite. How can I wait-list the course?

The instructor should sign a Special Registration Form (Undergraduate or Graduate) indicating an override for the pre-requisite. Bring this form to the Office of the Registrar and the Front Desk staff will process the form to override the pre-requisite in the system.

This action will not register you for the course, but will enter the pre-requisite override, so that you can wait-list the course in ESTHER.

Please note: Obtaining a pre-requisite override does not allow you to jump in front of others who are already on the wait-list.

I have a Special Registration Form for a course that has a wait-list. Will this allow me to register for it?

No. If a course has a wait-list, a Special Registration Form may not be used to register for it until after the waitlist is purged, which occurs early Monday morning of the second week of classes.

Can I be registered for one section of a class and be on an ESTHER wait-list for a different section for the same course?

Yes, you can register for one section of a course, such as Math 111, and add yourself to an ESTHER wait-list for a different section of Math 111. If your wait-list position becomes available and you prefer the wait-listed section, you must first drop the original section you registered for and then add the section you wait-listed.

Can I ESTHER wait-list a course that has a time conflict with another course already on my schedule?

While time conflicts are not allowed on your schedule, you can choose to ESTHER wait-list a course even if the wait-listed course has a time conflict with another course on your schedule.

When you are notified of an opening, you will have to decide which course you want; if you want the wait-listed course, drop the other one course with the time conflict from your schedule, and then add the wait-listed course for which you've been advised of an opening.