The following email was sent to all students.
From the Office of the Registrar (OTR) . . . .
This e-mail is being sent as a courtesy reminder. As we start the Spring 2021 semester, and with today being the “First Day of Classes” we want to highlight that ESTHER Wait-Lists have shifted from a 24 to 12-hour window and turnaround.
When a seat opens up in a class for which you are are the next student prompted to add the class, you now have ONLY A 12-HOUR WINDOW within which to add the course and/or change your schedule. (The time deadline of this 12-hour window will be noted on the Notification E-mail.) For the last 4 1/2 months the Wait-Lists have allowed for a 24-hour window. Beginning with the first day of the semester (today), the window is shortened to 12 hours.
—> For this reason, if you are on an ESTHER wait-ist, you are strongly encouraged to monitor this closely. Log into ESTHER regularly and often.
1) For courses with ESTHER Waitlists, those waitlists will remain active through the end of Week 1 (they are inactive in Week 2),
Simply put: Week 1, waitlist ON; Week 2, waitlist OFF;
{Does not apply to COLL, FWIS, and LPAP courses. Those courses retain their ESTHER Waitlists through the entirety of the Add period.}.
2) Please remember that, during Week 1 of the semester, the Office of the Registrar cannot accept and process Special Registration (Registration Restriction Override) Forms for courses with active ESTHER waitlists.
Thank You.